Hygiene competitions among Water Schools in Kanungu district
BMCT has been struggling to improve hygiene and sanitation among 20 Waterschools in Kanungu district (see table below). To achieve the above, Banyara Gravity Flow Scheme was constructed including 170 communal taps supplying water to approximately 30,000 households and 10 schools/institutions,. In addition, 12 rainwater collection tanks for schools and communities were constructed and 20 water-boiling systems built in schools to supply safe drinking water to pupils. To operationalize hygiene in schools, 20 WASH clubs were formed, with 780 members who acted as change agents in schools and at home. These have increased awareness among pupils and communities on WASH through dance and drama. A water school teaching material (Curriculum) for Uganda has been developed and will be rolled out among Water Schools.
To sustainably manage the above, BMCT has given the sanitation program a new direction by launching an innovative campaign to promote environmental sanitation and personal hygiene through sanitation and hygiene competitions. This has fostered a sense of competition, harnessed local resources available at the school level and galvanized schools to clean up their own surroundings.