Below are some of the programmes BMCT is currently implementing. Indicate along are quick statistics to indicate the impact of our interventions
53 VSLA groups formed, 1037 people in VSLA, 882 women involved VSLAs, 40 IGAs formed from VSLA groups, 63,053,300shs group savings
Hectarage under SLM 7.44, 3 Community demonstration sites under SLM, 10,300 Bamboo Rhizomes, 102,500 Calliandra seedlings and 400 Gravellier trees planted
1026 sponsored at different levels, 9 youth employed. Batwa Sponsorship Scheme, Skilling for employment programme, and The Trust Resource Centre
406 acres of land bought for Batwa Households, 56 resettlement houses constructed to-date, 50 females, 61 youth